As the world transitions into a new version of COVID-19 normality, so does the event industry. Event organisers across the globe are adapting their rules and regulations to adopt new social distancing and sanitisation measures; event and experience agencies too are configuring new and inventive design solutions to ensure clients can operate in a COVID-proofed environment.
Throughout the near-world lockdown, event agencies provided virtual event solutions to push through the period of uncertainty and create a pathway back to physical events. Bringing together audiences from any time zone using technology from simple meeting tools like video conferences to more elaborate online event spaces. Even though these digital alternatives preserve the essential event ingredients of communication, networking and collaboration it’s difficult to artificially re-create the physical human interaction that we crave as a species in a virtual platform. This, in turn, has accelerated the transition towards a new style for events in the future, a fusing of the digital and physical worlds to create a seamlessly engaging and exciting ‘Hybrid Brand Experience’.
As the world starts opening up again, it’s human nature to have fears and worries regarding the pandemic and its ongoing impact in society. With travel restrictions still in place across the globe, it could be a very long time before we see event attendance return to its old level. So, what’s the alternative? Trade-shows naturally create environments that thrive on connectivity and communication ultimately helping industries to evolve and grow. It’s clear companies and individuals are keen to get back to the physical show floor prioritising the need for human connections and face to face interaction. After all, the feeling of walking into a beautifully designed event stand simply can’t be beaten. We believe that hybrid event stands will play an important role – bringing together the power of virtual content into the physical show environment.
The hybrid event acts a contingency plan allowing clients and visitors who cannot attend the show to connect virtually. With simple meeting tools like on site conference suites utilising our Connect Event concept allows visitors to have seamless branded communication that is instant, simple and secure. The concept is also part of our sustainable initiative towards a greener event industry, reducing a company’s traveling work force and lowering traveling carbon emissions and material waste.
Even 360-degree digital versions of the event can be produced to provide a remote client with a realistic representation of the space, providing a sense of depth and location to feel like you’re at the event. With added features of VR headsets to enhance the experience, audiences can interact with various stand touchpoints like product displays for more information all from the comfort of their own home. Extended reality provides endless possibilities to create immersive brand worlds through the use of green screen studios and CGI effects as seen in the movies.
Staff and visitor safety will now be paramount considerations at events worldwide. With the combination of hybrid technology and sanitisation equipment now being required throughout events, the design processes have to consider these safety elements whilst not diluting the overall brand experience or negatively impacting the client’s visions and strategy. Read about our solutions here.
The return to the event floor will kick start the transition into a new event era and new show normality. The need for events across a wide array of industries is no longer just about how the stand looks- the networking, relationships, brand awareness and experiences combine to create vital industry moments that invoke change. Perhaps events will be more valued in the future as shared moments and experiences become treasured in years to come.