A Mindful Welcome to Spring

A Mindful Welcome to Spring

Today marks the start of the spring season, an opportunity for brighter beginnings and fresh outlooks. Coincidentally, this year Spring arrives on the same day as the 13th year of the United Nations’ International Day of Happiness Campaign. A campaign that...
6 Trends That Are Here To Stay In 2024

6 Trends That Are Here To Stay In 2024

In this era of rapid change, where the distinction between physical and virtual events is increasingly nuanced, where sustainability is not just a preference but an imperative, and where technology is reshaping the very fabric of experiential engagement, it can be...
Unraveling the Wonders of the Las Vegas Sphere

Unraveling the Wonders of the Las Vegas Sphere

If you haven’t seen it on social media this past month, the Las Vegas strip has gained a new addition to its legacy with a ground-breaking immersive experience venue known as ‘The Sphere’. The new music and entertainment arena opened its doors at the end of September...